In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps. Proverbs 16:9

Monday, April 14, 2008

No More Licorice

I would like to make a new law. It would go something like "Thou shalt not use twizzlers to whip, violently strike or assualt in any other fashion, unless of course, someone strikes you first." I learned today first hand that while twizzlers may seem like a fun innocent snack, they stinkin hurt. And leave imprints. And make you bleed. Although they make a good alternative for those of us who can't do the towel whipping thing, in the wrong hands, things could get dangerous. Not my hands of course. I am a responsible licorice user and only retaliate when necessary. In my opinion, licorice should only be used as candy to be eaten...or as a straw to drink your juice because we all did it as kids and it was fun. When else can you eat your straw when you are done?

On a completely unrelated note, I was watching the American Idol special Idol Gives Back, after searching for it on the internet for an hour, and the contestants finished the show singing "Shout to the Lord." Does anyone else find that weird?


Katrina VandenBerg said...

mmm I love drinking pop through licorice because then the outside is still hard but the inside is gushy.

and by the way linds, I saw the welts on Jordan's arms. responsible licorice user??

Anonymous said...

Kirk's mom just mentioned that they sang that song on American Idol, and I definitely found that weird... I think religion is just a fad these days, something that you an take the gems from and leave the rest of the "mountain" behind...

I actually hated drinking through a licorice for the same reason trine loved it... I hated the mushy inside, it always made me gag. I do, however, enjoy a good licorice whipping... providing I'm the one holding the licorice.